Typically, the test takes place in a controlled environment using audiometry equipment. It has segments to measure sensitivity to pitch via calibrated sound frequencies, usually ranging from 125 to 8000 Hz, and measurements of bone conduction and air conduction. The results of PTA are reflected on an audiogram, in which the normal hearing threshold is represented as a horizontal straight line at 0. Studying the curve on the audiogram often indicates the kind of hearing loss; however the results should be supplemented with objective tests.
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Why Hearing Plus?
Our services include testing, device repair, amplification, and rehabilitation for those individuals with hearing concerns. Our patient care is unique to each individual to reflect the attention required for each person to succeed toward better hearing leading to an improved quality of life.
- Complete Audiological Evaluations
- Tympanometry and Acoustic Reflex Testing
- Hearing Aid Evaluations
- Advanced Ear Mold Selection Skills
- Swim Plugs, Musician Plugs, etc.
- Wide Selection of Hearing Aids
- Hearing Aid Accessories
- Assistive Listening Devices
- Amplified Telephones
- Complete Hearing Help Care for Hearing Aids
- Quarterly Cleanings and Hearing Aid Checks
- Hearing Aid Repair, Loss/Damage and Loaner Services
- Batteries Provided for the Life of the Hearing Aid
- Yearly Evaluations
- Computerized Expert Fitting of Hearing Aids
Don't Forget:
Hearing Plus Dhaka offers Life Time servicing Free in your Hearing Aid devices.
- Regular cleanings and checks
- Repair and loaner services
- Batteries for the life of the device
- Yearly evaluations,
- Computerized expert fitting
"If you want to buy digital hearing aids in Bangladesh, Hearing+ dhaka is the answer. Vast range of hearing aid products. Right expertise, right consultation at affordable price" – N I Chowdhury.